A Now page is someplace where you list what you are doing with your life right now. I came across this when reading, who got the idea from
IndiePaper - The Future of Publishing.
- Currently building IndiePaper as a IndieHacker.
Learning is almost always fun outside school. When there isn’t anyone looking over your shoulder insisting you learn about inverse trignometric functions, you tend to hate learning.
Skill : Learn to solve the Rubiks Cube blind - I have always been into cubing, but learning to solve it blind is like the ultimate challenge in memorization, and would make a cool party trick.
- I successfully solved the cube blindfolded even though I lost the bet to solve it in 5 mins. The speed can be improved with practice.
Code: TDD Phoenix - I have always found the idea of TDD fascinating. I’m currently learning TDD with Elixir Phoenix from the awesome free resource at TDD Phoenix
- Learnt that writing Integration tests has the best ROI in all types of testing. So now I am practicing TDD with Integration Tests.
For the love of Reading.
- Leonardo Da Vinci, The Biography by Walter Isaacson - It would be nice to figure out how the greatest inventor of Da Vinci figured out the stuff he did.
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