rants of someone interested in code, design and life.
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Sep 2020
The Levels of Learning
Everyone loves to learn and with the advent of the Internet and all the good and bad things that came with it, access t...
Sep 2020
MacOS like Fonts on Manjaro/Arch Linux
Either you love gorgeous typography or just don't care. If you are the former read ahead on how to make the font render...
Jun 2020
Simplicity Matters
The world is inherently complex. Countless moving parts interact in exponential ways to create a a beautiful, functiona...
Jun 2020
Compiling OpenSSL 1.0 for Older Package Versions
Running older versions of software is always a pain. There will be missing libraries, compilation errors and what not. ...
Apr 2020
Implementing Autocomplete Select in Rails 6
`simple-form` makes creating forms that handle associations in rails a breeze. It creates a select dropdown that works ...
Feb 2020
Self Hosted NPM Fonts with Webpack
Whenever I wanted new fonts Google Fonts was the defacto place I'd go to. It has a ton of great fonts and it's fairly e...
Jan 2020
The Simplest Productivity System is the Best
Most of us are productivity gurus on the Internet nowadays. Anyone who works with a computer now has some general ideas...
Dec 2019
Turning Off Syntax Highlighting
Experimenting with turning off syntax hightlighting on code.
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