On God
Disclaimer: This is a hairy topic to talk about, so everything in this post is my opinion and shall be considered as such.
Is there a God ? Some omnipotent power that watches over us, protects us, makes us dance like (his/her) little puppets ? That is the age old question, which has caused more bloodshed and hatred than what even an all knowing all controlling power couldn’t have fathomed. If such a power exists alongside the universe, which religion comes close to it’s definition, which religion is closest to god ? Or are there multiple gods, enough for everyone and how do they decide what to do as a collective god like species ? Even if we could prove the existence of God, are we a much simpler life form supposed to question it ? If there’s a God, like wtf was 2020 ?
What is God ?
Before we pick up the blowtorch, we first need to have a common understanding of God. God is the omnipotent power which each religion takes for granted, the judgemental authority on humans, an entity existing on a superior plane above us, the principle object of faith. The entity or entities have multitude of representations throughout history. That is God.
What is God ?
So what exactly is god. God is an interpretation of divinity. You know divinity right, the sense of calmness that you feel when you kneel down on a church, when you walk into a mosque, when you are praying at a temple. The slight tingle that you feel in your soul, that is what divinity is. God is an interpretation of that divinity by humans to bring that feeling down to something that can be comprehended by the primitive senses.
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